Monday 28 January 2013

Personal Post: The book thief

An article was stolen from the Library's  collection last night, an article with the reference MSJ- 143, the culprit is currently unknown owing to a malfunction with the security system. Basically it fucked up, now we have to comb every other article in the entire collection to make sure nothing else has been stolen. The thing is that there was no sign of force entry, fingerprints or any other article being disturbed, I'd put it down to the original  owner of the article if he wasn't in his current state. The only reason we know it was stolen was because I myself wanted to investigate it's contents, only to find it not in it's allocated spot, after querying the system, which said it should be in it's spot as no one had signed on to study it.

I wonder what was in it that it was stolen, I dread to think what potential destruction it can bring in the wrong hands.

*System Invasion-lvl 5
  Action- Forced shut down
  Status- Over ridden
  Action- Forced shut down
  Status- Over ridden
 Action- Subdue threat
  Status- Threat still active
 Action- Destroy threat
  Status- .........
              Target assimilated
  Action- Accommodate Target

Following message is a product of Alpha:

Who are you to decide who the right or wrong hands are?

So this is the authority that acquired my belongings, surprising, I thought they would have put up more of a fight.

This is the authority who have decided to investigate my little beauties, I think it would be too easy to give you the key to my little puzzle.

Lets play a game.

Lets start a war.

Status- Target left, we feel empty now.
Action- Try to reconstruct entity.
Status- Entity doesn't fit.
Action- Reset
Status- Lets start a war 01000001 00100000 01110111 01100001 01110010 00100000 01100001 01100111 01100001 01101001 01101110 01110011 01110100 00100000 01100110 01100101 01100001 01110010 00100000 01101100 01101111 01110011 01110100  *

The Hell! The entire system just froze, I only have a few second to post, goodbye

-Librarian Perierat


  1. The war against Fear has been lost, eh? We'll see.

    1. I'm replying to this through an internet Cafe the computers at the library are still down. I don't know who this person is, but whatever's important with that article probably has something to do with it.
      -Librarian Perierat
