Sunday 20 January 2013

Incident report : Subject 645

Status: Disaster
Facility: XVII
Library Fatalities: 248
Library Survivors: 2
Date: Part of page cut out

Events: Library personnel librarian Antrorsum, Volunteer for experiment, experiment led by Pugnator *Again part of page removed*, Aim to create an individual that will continue working regardless of malady, injury or death. They tried do this through various methods, one being the replacement of the heart with a mechanical component, little did they know that one part of the the machine they manufactured included a gear from Timor Fabricari, when subject survived librarians involved initial rejoiced. First few days subject showed reduced reasoning skills, and seemed to be suffering immense pain. When X-Ray were taken at weekly intervals, body appeared to be reconstructing itself and replacing itself with cogs and gears. They noticed an audible tick from then on, even from outside his recovery cell.

2 months after initial operation subject escapes and kills all but one of the individuals at the facility, with final remark to the Pugnator involved being, the Ticking Man stops for No one, especially not for you', he then open a pathway and disappeared.

Action Taken: Demolition of Facility, and the end to all Experimental programmes, all products of said experiments were incinerated, except the 'Ticking Man' his whereabouts remain unknown, with the evidence we believe he was turned into what is commonly called a 'towerborn' leading to his actions.

End Report

File reference: E- 45
Level clearance: Public
Supervising organisation: The Library
Action to be taken next time: N/A

-Librarian Perierat

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